It’s time…
to know you belong,
to know what you’re here to do,
and to have the support to do it.
Especially if you feel like you can’t show up as yourself, don’t know how to get to your dreams, secretly feel inadequate, or believe you’re called to greater things.
You want to live a life of meaning and impact.
Instead, you’re living the life you’ve been told you could have.
⇒ Feeling like you’re living in a vacuum, alone and disconnected.
⇒ Unable to move past limiting thoughts and behaviors.
⇒ Worried that the time to make a difference has passed you by.
⇒ Desperately wanting change that leans in toward your gifts but not sure how to make it.
You’re a multi-dimensional being.
There’s you, your soul and more.
✨ That more is a vast, amazing world beyond what you can see.
✨ It’s the support team here to assist you and your soul toward your life purpose.
✨It’s your unique intuition that helps you know what is best for you.
✨ It’s the way your chakra system plays a part in how you manifest things.
✨ It’s the way to transform your kharma into your life destiny path.
Within that ‘more’ is everything you need to know your life purpose and live a higher vision of yourself.
The you who feels connected and supported.
The you who’s making the most of their life.
The you who’s confidently stepping into everything you’ve wanted for your life.
Only you’ve probably never been taught about this multi-dimensional part of you.
Awaken Your Soul Blueprint is a 6 week live masterclass designed to introduce you to:
✔️ what you need to know about you, your soul and ‘the more’ that shows you how to live your life purpose
✔️ how to work with the support that is with you at all times
✔️ and gives you the tools to move forward as the highest version of yourself
After just 6 weeks, you can have answers to your questions, be living your life on purpose, and contributing your gifts simply because it makes you happy.
I’ve introduced 1,000’s of spiritual seekers to their Soul Blueprint so that they know their soul attributes, soul gifts, and soul path. When they do, they begin living the highest vision of themselves and awaken to their purest potential.
I’d love to have a chance to help you as well.
Awaken Your Soul Blueprint helps you to figure out your life in a way that works best for you, on your own terms.
- You’ll discover your strengths and the higher vision of your life.
- You’ll understand how to live a life you love and contribute your innate brilliance to the world.
- You’ll break free from feeling like you need to compromise yourself in any way.
- You’ll find your Truest Self without society’s projections of what you “should” be so you can claim your own truth unconditionally.
- You’ll also discover how to live from the balance of your own inner strength, freedom, abundance, and happiness to break-free of feeling like you need to compromise yourself in any way.
Adrienne is the most powerful spiritual teacher I have ever worked with. I recommend Adrienne to all my friends on a spiritual path.

This is your life.
You’re living it.
Why not love it?
Knowing your Soul Blueprint is the key to living a life you love.
In short: your Soul Blueprint is the design of your life purpose held within your DNA on a soul level.
It’s the essence of who you are that is always wanting to be fulfilled.
In Awaken Your Soul Blueprint I’ll personally share with you the 6 elements that make up your Soul Blueprint and will expand your awareness of your spiritual strengths, inner power, higher creativity, and unique soul genius.
This is your life.
You’re living it.
Why not love it?
Knowing your Soul Blueprint is the key to living a life you love.
In short: your Soul Blueprint is the design of your life purpose held within your DNA on a soul level.
It’s the essence of who you are that is always wanting to be fulfilled.
In Awaken Your Soul Blueprint I’ll personally share with you the 6 elements that make up your Soul Blueprint and will expand your awareness of your spiritual strengths, inner power, higher creativity, and unique soul genius.
You’ll learn:

The foundations of accessing your intuition

Which Tribes of Light your soul aligns with and how to communicate with them as a guidance system

The sacred archetype of your higher self

Engage your intuition, emotional intelligence, and life skills

Your personal Code of Honor and how to use it

Identify and transmute your karmic life patterns into your dharma or destiny life path

Your personal chakra formula for manifesting

Ignite and understand your own Soul Blueprint in the quantum field
When I work with Adrienne, no matter how daunting my personal challenges may be, there is a moment where I meet my true presence and know all is well. This meeting is no small miracle – it’s where the truth of who I am washes over the illusions that are my fears. I meet myself as true power, true wisdom, and true love.

About your spiritual teacher, Adrienne Cobb
A near death experience pulled back the veil and allowed me to see our higher selves and all of the many obstacles that we put in the way as protections against our pain.
I dedicated my life to learning and growing in this discipline. I help people to live their soul’s purpose, meet their Tribes of Light that hold unlimited wells of love and support, and connect with their higher selves. I help people find their own wild magic and live their lives with hearts on fire.
I created Awaken Your Soul Blueprint to share what I’ve learned because I want to help more people live their life purpose.
The information I teach and share in Awaken Your Soul Blueprint is what I’ve learned through over 30 years of study, my personal work and evolution with the spiritual hierarchy, and my one-on-one work with thousands of people.
I know that when you know your Soul Blueprint you’ll have answers the three most important questions you’ll ever ask yourself:
👉🏽Who Am I?
👉🏽Where do I belong?
👉🏽What is my purpose?
And when you do, you’ll live your higher self’s vision of what will bring you your greatest fulfillment and joy.
The world will be a better place when you can show up in it as yourself. your best self.
Awaken Your Soul Blueprint and awaken the highest vision of who you are in the world.
Here’s what clients have to say:
I began working with Adrienne when I was ready to make serious change in my relationship and business. The change has been profound and life changing!
If you are a person that knows there is more than one path to wellness and that you are a multi-dimensional being, then Adrienne can provide insight and energy to helping you move past limited thought or behaviors that have been in the shadows of your own perception. Without dwelling on your past, you can gain insight that will help you move forward.
Working with her has helped me get out of my own way as I grow my own business. I am open and have worked with many different types of practitioners and Adrienne is one of the few that stands out. I am so grateful to have her on my “personal
support team!
Thank you for showing me the light and pointing me in a direction when I felt I was living within a vacuum.
This course doesn’t come from books or mystical teachings. It’s based on first-hand experience working with thousands of souls over my lifetimes of work with the spiritual hierarchy.
You have a higher purpose, a creative expression, and soul attributes — these are unique gifts of light only you can bring forth into this world.
When you awaken to this higher plan within you, it changes everything!
You feel like your life has purpose, and the whole universe comes into synchronistic alignment with resources, connections, and opportunities to support you.
The 6 Week Masterclass Breakdown: What to expect
👉🏽 Classes start March 10, 2020 with Adrienne Cobb, your Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Messenger
👉🏽 You’ll show up every Tuesday from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm PST
👉🏽 Class starts with a centering and calling in the energy
👉🏽 Each week we will be joined by light beings from the spiritual hierarchy
👉🏽 After the teachings, we will have a live Q & A before the end of our class
👉🏽 We meet in our own virtual classroom by video
👉🏽 Replays will be available every week so you don’t miss a thing
So much more is possible for you when you Awaken Your Soul Blueprint.
What’s included in the Awaken Your Soul Blueprint course?
Week 1:
Intuition, Empathy and Soul Gifts
Discover the different types of intuition humans have, which one you’re most gifted at and how to best use it. Learn resources to manage anxiety, empathy and sensitivities.
All of our higher gifts are like a double edge sword that can work for you or against you until you know how to use them.
Week 2:
Meet Your Tribe of Light
You’ll be introduced to the 7 Tribes of Light, discover which one you belong to, and how to interact with them as a spiritual guidance system.
Your Tribe of Light is here to back your Soul Blueprint and guide you in the right direction. Once you establish this connection for yourself, your whole life begins to make sense and have more meaning.
Week 3:
Understand your Power Flames
The power flames and their codes allow you to live in alignment with your inner justice system and universal grace.
Week 4:
Know Your Sacred Archetype
Understand your Sacred Archetype and how to merge your consciousness with your higher attributes in daily life.
Your Sacred Archetype allows you to connect with your higher self and to know the truth of who you are when you aren’t in human form.
Week 5:
Learn About Your Kharma
Unravel your karmic life issues, past lives, and family issues to gain your soul’s wisdom to know yourself more wholly.
You’ll be guided in unraveling the karmic life issues that you were born into so you can gain your soul’s wisdom to navigate life situations and move from a victim consciousness to an unconditional love consciousness.
Week 6:
Engage Your Dharma
Transform your karma to your dharma – your divine life purpose – awakening your Soul Blueprint and higher vision of your truest self.
Open up a new universe of infinite possibilities for you to experience. Living your dharma is living your highest state of grace and well-being.
Are you ready to know who you are, where you belong and what your life purpose is?
✔️ We begin Tuesday, March 10, 2020
✔️ Tuesday classes taught by your Spiritual Teacher Adrienne Cobb from 6pm PST, and recorded
✔️ Your questions answered weekly during class calls
A one-time payment of
$249 USD
Enroll now for Awaken Your Soul Blueprint
Simply put, Adrienne knows energy and moves energy. Clarity, clarity, clarity – this is what I always get from my conversations with Adrienne.
Her connection to Source is beautiful, and I am honored to be blessed by her love!
I love her light, she is very special!
Your questions…
Who is the program for?
This is for any spiritual seeker who wants to learn about their life purpose. More specifically, it will help if you already accept that you have a soul, a higher self and that there is more to life that only your physical experience.
How much personal support will I get?
There will be time during each class to ask questions. It will depend on the size of the class as to whether I can get to everyone’s questions.
What is a Soul Blueprint?
A Soul Blueprint is the design of your divine plan and life purpose that you came into this world to experience. Most people don’t remember they have a Soul Blueprint. They just want to survive day to day paying bills, getting by and dealing with the chaos of life. Knowing the key elements of your Soul Blueprint is the result of my life’s work.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
We offer a no-questions asked refund until 3 days after the first class.
Are you ready to know who you are, where you belong and what your life purpose is?