Live, Unplugged & Defying Gravity with Dr Pat Baccili
https://youtu.be/D_tu59e0WgQ Live, Unplugged & Defying Gravity with special guest Dr. Pat Bonacci. It's just you, me and my special guest Dr. Pat, where she will be sharing inspiring stories of her life journey on how she defied the laws of gravity to start her...
Reiki Healing Circle for Coronavirus global lockdown
On March 17, 2020 I began a live daily reiki healing circle on YouTube. The video series begins with the video posted here. Check on YouTube for all mediations and healings. Resources mentioned during the videos are here for a short time: Usui Symbols For Image 1,...
Global Healing Meditation for Coronavirus
I'm sharing this healing meditation for Coronavirus publicly and ask that you share freely to support healing across the planet and the healing of the planet itself. During our weekly gathering for the My Wild Magic Membership, we received a Global Healing Meditation...

Discover Your Council Of Light
You were never meant to take this journey alone.
You have been given an awesome team of magical beings.
Your Tribe of Light unconditionally has your back and helps you live your life mission.
Your personal Tribe of Light is always watching over you – from lifetime to lifetime.
They are yours – personally and loyally part of your existence. They are with you always.
From the very beginning to the very end of each life experience – and even between them.
You were not born alone.
You have the opportunity to connect with one of your greatest resources. Your Tribe of Light can open doorways of golden opportunity and help you live your purpose.
Find out who your Tribe of Light is and unlock a synchronicity of miracles – just for you!
How to balance your third eye vision
One thing that people ask me about pretty often when they're starting to open their intuition, is how to manage when the third eye starts to open. People will oftentimes be a little overwhelmed by what they see and how much they see, because sometimes they might start...

Meet Archangel Haniel
I work with a lot of the Archangels in general, the Elohim Angels, the Seraphim Angels, the Great Central Sun Angels but sometimes in the work that I do, or things that I'm learning about myself, I'll come across different beings of light, Angels and Ascended Masters...

The life changing One Heart Breath meditation
If you could do only one mediation, I would recommend this life changing one. It’s called the One Heart Breath meditation and it actually helps you connect to your Divine Higher Presence, your I Am Presence or as I like to call it, your Cosmic Christ Presence. [video...

Calling forth help with your life purpose and dreams with the Ascended Masters
Every December I open a quantum prayer field and host a meditation where we're invited to join the Ascended Masters in their etheric retreat over the Grand Tetons. The Grand Teton Retreat is open to all spiritual students who have a desire to be of service on the...

12 Flames of Creation
If any of you have been working with me for a while, or maybe you're new, there's a couple things that I offer as a way to support you. A lot of times they do relate to Your Soul Blueprint and My Wild Magic Membership which I work with people on but today, I...

Resources I love
These are a list of healers, practitioners, books, techniques and resources I love, to help you on your spiritual journey. Health resources Forcefield EMF (affiliate link) Toward Garden - to put me as a referral link use my name Gold Zero Solar Energy Meditations...
The content is not intended to provide individual readings, or to identify, treat or heal personal mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues. All information represents the personal opinion of Adrienne Cobb and should only be used for educational and entertainment purposes.