How to work with your soul gifts

How to work with your soul gifts

Each of us have our own unique set of soul attributes or soul gifts.  We carry these soul gifts over lifetimes and they are developed from being in service or from personal experiences that we've had. Whether it be traumatic or blissful experiences, it all counts...

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How your empathy can support you

How your empathy can support you

Empathy is one of the first types of intuition that we develop as human beings and when managed well, it can support you to live your highest good. Empathy is a core level intuition. It's developed at a very young age before we can speak and it helps us navigate the...

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The content is not intended to provide individual readings, or to identify, treat or heal personal mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues. All information represents the personal opinion of Adrienne Cobb and should only be used for educational and entertainment purposes.