I’m sharing this healing meditation for Coronavirus publicly and ask that you share freely to support healing across the planet and the healing of the planet itself.

During our weekly gathering for the My Wild Magic Membership, we received a Global Healing Meditation for the Coronavirus.

The information that came in and was downloaded for our healing and the evolution of the family of humanity, it was intended for everyone who is ready to receive it.

As is the support of the Spiritual Hierarchy being offered in this meditation. Please accept this as my gift to you for your own healing and peace at this time.

Recorded March 11, 2020


Links and resources mentioned: Sarah Westall, interviews Director of Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, Sharry Edwards, who hears nature: https://youtu.be/22kyIs2eTZo


You can learn more about Gloria Boysal, who is a teacher bringing new teaching on the Illumination Ray: 



Film, Fantastic Fungi:





To be a part of the energy of the quantum prayer field of the My Wild Magic Membership: 


Coupon for first month only $1: ONLY$1


To learn more about the Quest energies mentioned:



To work with me 1:1 for personal deeply transformational work supported by the Spiritual Hierarchy:


Infinite blessings,
