Each of us have our own unique set of soul attributes or soul gifts.
We carry these soul gifts over lifetimes and they are developed from being in service or from personal experiences that we’ve had. Whether it be traumatic or blissful experiences, it all counts and it’s all stored in your soul body.
Your soul and higher self carries these memories lifetime to lifetime and they become soul attributes. Things that maybe you’re gifted in that might be different than somebody else and what their gifts are.
Your soul gifts usually relate to each of one of your seven primary chakras.
For instance, some people in the seventh chakra might really have the gift of divine wisdom and bringing forth their wisdom to share with others.
Some people might have the gift of seeing truth and perfection or being a visionary through the third eye chakra.
Some people might have the gift in the throat chakra of divine intent, power, authority, speaking, divine right action and calling things to light.
The heart center relates to the soul attributes around divine love, compassion, mercy, the wisdom of the heart, deep feelings connecting on a soul level.
The Solar Plexus deals with the gifts of divine peace. These people might actually attract people who are chaotic into their life or chaotic event but from their gift of bringing peace, they might be really gifted at being a mediator or neutralizing energy. They may easily bring things back to a more calm and peaceful place and you would just feel very peaceful in their presence.
The second chakra, the one that’s at the navel, deals a lot with the flame of creativity and the flame of divine healing. Being able to really access that power, being more grounded in yourself and being able to share that with others as well. Particularly from that energy of deep healing and creativity and resonating. That also carries within it a lot of emotional sensitivities and being able to register emotions and that level.
The first chakra at the perineum, deals with the people who are transformational beings. They can just walk in a room and be transformational and kind of a catalyst for change, a catalyst for positive nature.
The easiest way to find your soul attributes is to notice each of the chakras, what they stand for and notice…
Do I have more of those qualities or not? Start paying attention and looking at how you interact with people and what happens. You’ll generally find that there’s a consistency to how you show up in those particular ways.
If you’re a deeply loving person, let yourself be deeply loving and don’t judge your love. If you really prefer peace, then start choosing people and situations that are more peaceful for you. If you are naturally very wise and have a lot of wisdom that you want to share with people don’t hold back, actually just share and let that be okay.
The more you start to have acceptance for your gifts and an awareness of how people feel when they’re in your presence or how you feel when you’re lit up and activated, the easier it will be to be supported by your soul gifts.
If you’d like to learn more about working with your soul gifts, then I invite you to head over to my YouTube channel, where I post more in depth content on this and other ways you can be supported in your highest purpose.
Infinite blessings,